Monday, November 24, 2008

The Great Experiance...

Today was a fun filled day of activity at the museum. Upon my arrival I was desperately looking for something to do today so that I did not waste a minute of the day just sitting around. Wanting frantically to entertain myself for the day, I unconsciously grabbed a rag and watered down bottle of Windex and began working with the motive of wanting to earn more hours for volunteering in order to pass my Com.1 class, but most importantly to keep myself entertained for the day.

Quickly removing all photographs of the shelves in the main hall, I beat away the cigarette smelled dust off its sanctuary and into the circular waste receptacle that I call the “filing cabinet”.

After the completion of this menial task, my body went through a paradoxical sense of joy and fulfillment. As if this display of volunteerism had some impact on me greater then the original outcome of just achieving more hours that enable me to pass my class. I was filled with a sense of pride and self worth as I realized my actions lead to the restoration of the main hall within the museum which, in a domino like affect, caused the museum experience to be more enjoyable for everyone that walked through the hall.

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